Jonathan Patz Speaks at World Health Summit Regional Meeting, April 2024
Jonathan Patz sitting on stage (third from right) as Kathryn Bowen of University of Melbourne presents. Photo Credit: Monash University
Grand Challenges Plenary
From Climate Change Evidence to Action: Accelerating pathways for healthy people and a healthy planet
Jonathan Patz spoke at the above session as part of the World Health Summit Regional Meeting in Melbourne, Australia. In fact, this Regional Meeting was one of the reasons Jonathan chose to spend his spring semester sabbatical at the University of Melbourne. The speakers addressed how climate change is negatively affecting human health and how this evidence can be used to spur action and policy-making. Three key points touched on by all speakers were urgency, transformational change, and equity and justice.
Brett Sutton
Director, Health and Biosecurity, CSIRO, Australia
John Thwaites
Professorial Fellow, Monash University; Chair, Monash Sustainable Development Institute and Climateworks Centre, Australia
Kathryn Bowen
Deputy Director, Melbourne Climate Futures, University of Melbourne, Australia
Renzo Guinto
Associate Professor of Global and Planetary Heath, SingHealth Duke-NUS Global Health Institute, National University of Singapore & Visiting Professor of Global and Planetary Health, St Luke’s Medical Centre College of Medicine, Philippines
Jonathan Patz
John P. Holton Chair of Health & the Environment, University Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Ollie Jay
Director, Heat and Health Research Incubator & Thermal Ergonomics Laboratory, The University of Sydney, Australia
Mere Naulumatua
Consultant Urban Planner (Pacific), Fiji
Global Health Champions
Jonathan Patz at a reception with Dr. Ilona Kickbusch, Director Global Health Center (left) and Dr. Saia Ma’u Piukala, WHO Regional Director for Western Pacific (center). Photo Credit: Monash University
“I’m going to be talking about getting fossil free and saving millions of lives in the process”